Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Review 2010

I have been rushing like mad! My time is no longer MY time. The moment I opened my eyes in the morning, its "DO a, b, c, d...". I dedicated my time to my Creator, his creations i.e: husband, parents, children, colleagues; also work and study etc etc etc. WHY am I complaining? I just need some spinach or steroid jabs to keep me going... Astaghfirullah, forgive me, Ya Allah.

Now that I am back writing, I wish to journal back key events that has happened since January 2010.

1) I have been working in NTU since December 2009. It has been a love-HATE HATE HATE feeling for the place and its "culture". Whatever.

2) I should not complain. My superior has backed me in applying for the MCYS scholarship. I was accepted. Currently I am a scholar in Wheelock's College Bachelor of Science in ECE with focus on Literacy. Classes are conducted in "block lectures". The lecturers flew in from Boston and we will have 1-2 weeks of evening classes, 6pm - 10pm.Tiring but fulfilling.

3) Mummy has been diagnosed with final stage of cancer in April. She has asked her oncologist to tell her her chances of living. She said, "its okay. You can tell me." She deteriorated for awhile. I was devastated to see Mummy who has lived her life vibrantly, has succumbed to this deadly disease and is giving up. At one point, she refused chemotherapy. NEVERTHELESS, I am happy to report that she is doing superbly okay! Mummy and I.... we are fighters. Mummy is brushing aside all these I-am-dying attitudes. Alhamdulillah, she has been positive. She is her usual self, ever-diva, ever-beautiful and ever-funny... Haha. I have made Mum promised that she will be around to welcome her upcoming 9th grandchild.

4)Our family was also hit with another test of patience and vigilance. SIL Ana was unexpectedly warded for more than a month in SGH, with most of the time in ICU. She had pneumonia due to H1N1. What looked like a harmless cough led to complications. She was in and out of critical conditions. At one point of time, we lost hope when Mummy was critical at CGH and Ana at SGH. We shuttled to both when we could. Ayah and Rizal was most affected.

5) Found me pregnant, just before the Phuket vacation. Due December 10th, 2010.

6) It has been a year. We have our own place now; our maiden investment with HDB. Our official residence isBlk 631 Senja Road.

7) Dear has upgraded Mazda 2 to Mazda 3. Self-explanatory. We are EXPANDING.

Ok. 2010 reviewed.Moving on...