Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Surprise Visitor in Dear's Mug!

Now,I'll be telling people: The next time BEFORE you drink, just to be safe, rinse your mug/cup well.

I discovered a LIZARD half drowned in Dear's mug of MILO!!!!! It was left overnight. I screamed in deafening decibels, he didnt bother to wake up and see. Because of his beady eyes (the LIZARD, not Dear's), I really can't tell if its dead or alive.

Disgusted, I screamed to make him move (Dear. Not the LIZARD). No effect, so I amuse myself by testing my level of bravery - to take a second look. Cant tell if it's making his way out of the mug or dead. I left it there and went to shower.

The mug and the lizard are now gone. Decided to throw both. I wont throw Dear away (I would if I could- for not standing by his woman. Gurr-ram). So sayang, that man-ly Coffee Bean mug was my gift for Dear on his first Father's Day. I'm getting him a new mug, with a lid, of course. I wonder... how long was the lizard in there? Could Dear be another CICAKMAN? I hope not.

I wont forget this conversation between Dear and Rushda: Dear: Rushda, ini mug Abi. Rushda:(Thinking he said, "mak") Mana dia punya bapak?


madame blossom said...

eeeew!!!!! hish.. belum pernah jumpa.. nauzubillah..

i told u before abt my colleague who finished her cup of coffee to find a lizard at the bottom of her cup? true story. She didn't become cicakwoman though.

and hahahahaha.. rushda is cute.

Edleen said...

you're not a brave woman!!! hehehe...

Raudha Robu said...

Kak Erni,
Super euugghhh. I wonder what was the cicak up to? Drinking or indulging in cocoa spa...
I will never think of HOT Milo the same way again.

Hahaha, yup not brave. Guess who removed the mug? My SuperAyah! My hero.

Raudha Robu said...

Kak Erni,
Super euugghhh. I wonder what was the cicak up to? Drinking or indulging in cocoa spa...
I will never think of HOT Milo the same way again.

Hahaha, yup not brave. Guess who removed the mug? My SuperAyah! My hero.

Raudha Robu said...

Kak Erni,
Super euugghhh. I wonder what was the cicak up to? Drinking or indulging in cocoa spa...
I will never think of HOT Milo the same way again.

Hahaha, yup not brave. Guess who removed the mug? My SuperAyah! My hero.