Friday, December 23, 2005

The One With Amore Sign-Up

Yearp... after much consideration, I decided to give it a GO. For $190, I get to sweat out different kinds of workouts offered at the Eastpoint outlet. I was pretty tempted to sign up for the Unlimited Package for $300+ and also the one with a Personal Trainer programme, $90 for 3 trials. Howzzat? Opinions shared. Intan said, "What if you get lazy OR busy OR can't be bothered to go?" She's right. See how these 12 sessions go. My spirit was high. If we were to bump onto each other that day, you would've felt the watts in me. After work ends at 5, I took a cab down to EP, head straight to Giordano, and got myself a workout attire - their black cottonlycra tee and yogapants suit me just fine. To cover those bulges, I throw in another $30 to buy myself their Hot Pink sweater with hood. I changed straightaway. Yes, the tags were cut off by the salesgirl. Had my rainbow Buff on. I feel ready. I was welcomed by Michelle- the friendly front-desk staff. She assisted me through the signing up, and brought me for a tour in the newly renovated place. Impressive shower rooms and lockers. Today, I am entitled to go for a free trial class, as I was a member 4 years ago. They still have my record. Impressive lagi. And for that, I also received a free armpit hair-removal voucher. Lagi impressivvee. 6pm and I walked into the studio feeling like one of the contestant from The Biggest Loser. The usual me, I smiled and said hi. Everyone seems to be, unfriendly. It was weird silence until this flat-sixpacks lady walked in and take on the stage. Donno what she mumbled thru that microphone, I just followed what she did. It was Lo workout. Okaylah, can take it. Next, Im trying out their Yoga and Pilate. So.... hope to re-sculpt my body like Gwen Stefani's in 3 months. Is that achievable? Betting booths are open now.


Voodoofied said...

pakkal je i will be moving to the west side..kalau tak aku pon nak join kau! nak sculp badan aku like britney spears during her "Slave 4 U" season... kehkehkehhke


Saudari Lee said...

hey, u join amore eh? i tot of joining too cos my yoga is damn frustrating ler. anyway, buat babe, jangan tak buat. sculpt that body!!

Lady_A said...

wah..wah..gerek sey! I support u lah, tapi jgn semangat 2 min tau. hehehe

Anonymous said...

waaaaah! You go girl!