Monday, June 19, 2006

Alsagoff Reunion - Class of '94.

I was ecstatic to receive this sms from Faridah Johari: "A'kum teman2. I miss u all so much.I'm thinkin of having a reunion get-2-gether dlm waktu terdekat ni, maybe july. Whats ur opinion/suggestions?" 08:05. After 'discovering' Sarena and Salinnah in Multiply, and after knowing that most of us are mothers... we should! I've been the long-lost one. But I remember my school-mates dearly. How can I not? Most of us grew up together from P1. One of them is my cousin, Habibah. In fact, Habibah and me started off from PPIS kindergarten. Never been apart since then. Oddly, we never were best of friends. But close though. She is the brainy one. Faridah was the Math Queen. The 78s were: Myself, Habibah, Rosdiana, Faridah, Noreny, Nurussiyam, Mahfudzah, Mazraah The slightly older ones were: Siti Khadijah, Dewi Rahayu, Siti Lailah, Sarena, Salinnah, Nurulhuda. I know there were two more. *30minutes have passed, and Im still thinking* Okay, hope they will agree to it. Need to catch up with the married ones, and the swinging singles.


DzulRena said...

hahaha yeah.. another get-together eh? insya-allah if the timing is rite i can join.. so far sapa2 yg dah respond eh?

Raudha Robu said...

No news yet. I suggested, why not we take a memory trip down Jalan Sultan and the area there. Kan Bussorah st is such a happening place now.

Someone suggested movies????
Bila nak berbual?
I do feel like opening my doors to all of you. Its convenient kan? First floor. Babies and toddlers can come along too. No time limit.

Anonymous said...

hmm...where do you stay? lupa ah think you ever mentioned it to me before. Well, i havent really asked my hubby but i did told him tat my frens is organising a get-together. he diam jer so i think its ok la..

so far sapa2 lagi u still keep in touch eh?

chillis said...

eh... i know some of those names.... kirim salam ye kalau jumpa lagi... if they still remember me that is... =)

-maisarah aka chillis