Monday, February 08, 2010

Play-Doh: my latest hobby

I am into Play-Doh now. Rolling, pressing, pinching, kneading, cutting.... Ahhhh, fingers therapy. Naturally it has Zen me up.

Right now, I have the Barnyard BBQ and the Breakfast Set. Coming up, the pizza set and every Play-Doh must-have: the Ice-Cream Swirl Set!

Kids (and adults alike) have the tendency to mix the dough. So I told Durrah not to. She understood. But adults... Hmmm.... mixed my dough.


cake said...

baru nak tanya how you stop the kids from mixing the colours...cos Ilhan used to and dah tak cantik dah..

Raudha Robu said...

We can make dough you know.

I'll share the recipe soon.