Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Last 2 weeks of December

I am so looking forward to the last 2 weeks of December. Superb-ly shiokz from how I look at it.

First and foremost, Im looking forward to Mummy's discharge. It should be before Christmas. Her coughing is managable. She had two rounds of blood transfusion and had this large bruise on her right arm. Dr Jason Chua said she had lung infection. Her sugar level is unstable, so she probably would have to take insulin jabs daily, and longer dialysis cycles. I pray for her speedy recovery. Mum had been strong and a bit manja. Aside from that...

  • #1: Hari Raya Haji (Thurs, 20/12)
  • #2: Centre Closure (Fri, 21/12): Although we need to report to work, it is work minus the kids and toddies. Time for handover of duties and other stuffs. My agenda for that day is to check on the Math aids, update Inventory and pass to Tess. Then there is meeting, the brainstorming session and tinge of gossiping and kniving. In the itinerary would be, Lady Marmalade trying to boost the team's morale by making us complete one of those free take-one postcards with catchy positive time-to-reflect taglines (which reminds me of Zilah's wish she wrote in one of the cards. She was out of point, so she wrote: "To win the Subaru Challenge"... hilarious).
  • #3: No Work Day (Sat, 22/12): Persuading Dear to send me to Jusco Permas Jaya to get those retro wrappers for my class borders. Its neat and funky. The girls at work love it. Im running low with it. Lesson learnt- borders can be wrappers from SINGAPORE.
  • #4: Christmas Eve (Mon 24/12): Work half-day!!!!!!!!
  • #5: Christmas Holiday (Tue 25/12): No working. House working. Probably Mummy will be discharged.
  • #6: New Year's Eve (mon 31/12): Work half-day!!!!!!
  • #7: Rushda turns 3 (Tues 1/1): To party or not to party??? The next day is a school day! 2008 sees Firdaus and Sarah in P1! Safiyah in morning session, and Hadi in Sports Sc hool. I share their parents' excitement and anxiety. Ok, as for the party, need to think abt it.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

How does it feel?... Your loved one is dying

Lately, I am saddened by news that people I know, are either suffering or has perished from cancer.

Aunty Rabiah, a very very very kind and generous neighbour and a family friend, died from stomach cancer a week before Ramadhan. She was in her 40s and was diagonosed about 3 years back. Her wish to see her eldest girl Alia to be married was fulfilled. Alia was 24. The wedding for Alia was "expected", because Aunty Rabiah has a sister who died just a few years back; this sister didnt live long enough to witness her own one-and-only daughter's wedding.

How did Alia feel? Knowing mum has cancer and was uncertain then, but went on getting married?


Last Sunday, made my way to Mahkota Medical Centre in Malacca to visit Uncle Hasanuddin. During Ramadhan, we got a call from Aunty Minah, telling us that Uncle Hasan's right knee has swollen double the size, it was so bad that he couldn't walk. How did that happened? "He knocked onto the edge of a table". On 2nd of December, they transit at Pergam, planning for one night stay. By then, his condition has worsened, he was coughing out blood. Ayah drove them to MMC that very same night. Imagine that- just a knock on the table, and can't walk for more than a month.

With all that suffering comes this news: Uncle Hasan was diagnosed third stage of lung cancer - hence, the coughs; doctor 'gave' him 4 to 5 months to live. He has a slim chance to recover. As for the leg, the cancer has spread down to his leg. The latest update I had was, he undergone a surgery to correct the joints on his right leg. He can now walk, and will be discharged today. From Malacca, they are staying for a night at Pergam, before taking a ferry back to Kuala Tungkal. Indonesia.

Oh, and he is not aware he has cancer and was 'given' 4-5 months to live.

Aunty Minah has requested that Uncle Hasan not know about this.

How does it feel? Knowing your husband has 4 to 5 months to live?


Aunty Norbi, passed away on Friday, 14/12/2007, with husband, children and grandchildren present. She was 61. A nice lady too. I see her during Hari Raya and at relatives' weddings. I remembered Aunty Norbi helping out in packing my wedding berkats days before my wedding.

I was told that hers was liver cancer.

I was also told that doctor has informed the family to keep vigil as in her case, it was "anytime".

Mummy went to visit on Wednesday and shared with us that, she was just "waiting for time". Ayah went on Thursday, and told me that the family is arranging to move her to a single-bed ward. Eventually, they brought her home on Thursday night. She passed away Friday night.

How does it feel? When you have to sit by your mother's death bed? Knowing that it is "anytime"?


Mummy has been having cough for the past one week. When she coughs, it sounded "bronchitis" to me. Two days ago, she started to cough out blood too. She is breathless, her ankles are bigger probably due to water retention. She insisted on going to the hospital tomorrow, as she has appointment at the Peritoneal Dylasis clinic. In Mummy's case, clearly no issues on life-span. She is suffering from diabetes and failing kidneys. Is she dying too? Like Uncle Hasan?

"Kau nak percaya pada doctor atau percaya pada Allah"?

How do I feel? How do I feel? Allah, please give me strengths

Monday, November 19, 2007

Its School Holiday!

School is OUT. Singapore will be congested with human traffic. I heard there were weddings around the island yesterday; judging from the number of invitation cards at Pergam, as well as, "complains" from nenek-neneks. Was at the wedding of Mardhiyah's cousin yesterday. The weather was a teaser. Scorching hot in the morning, then heavy downpours in the late afternoon. Seeing the ladies wearing baju kurung makes my hair stands. It was just sooo hot, how long can they tahan the heat in those songket/linen/satin baju? Blah. It's over anyway. If they have worn the baju for the subsequent time since Hari Raya, then, its time for dry-cleaning.

Last Week...

Connie, Randall and their K2 son, Clement, came by to visit us. Connie just got back from a Paris flight the night before. They got us Carter's baby rompers from L.A. I love Carter's. Noticed her left earring missing. We searched high and low, but managed to find only the backing (the screw thing), but not the earring. So geram. So anyway, Connie has left her flying career. As at today, she would be at her new working place. A sacrifice. For the sake of Clement, who is going to P1. Need to spend more time together. Randall is also flying. I guess can still get free tickets to travel. Connie promised to pass me her SIA green kebaya for school's activities, etc.Went to work to sit in for Planning 2008 meeting. No choice but to bring Durrah along. Obviously, she became the centre of attention. Liping must have been annoyed coz it was hard for them to pay attention. Hehehe.

Edleen suggested to meet up at Plaza S'pura for some shopping and dinner. Ajak Chu along. I know what they will be shopping for- scrap stuffs from Made With Love. I dont mind. Promised myself to use up all the scrap stuffs I bought earlier, and to complete my unfinished projects, before buying more. So i was good. The kids and me, we sat around for large cookies and shakes. We then had dinner at Swensens. Uncle Faizal bo. Dear was convinced that all of us can squeezed in the car. We sent Edleen and Chu home. Hard to believe there were 10 various-sizes people in the little Mazda 2. Boleh tahan.

Durrah is crying. Journalling has to wait.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Take It Easy. There Are Only Two!!

Two. The number of children living in the house now. Two. It sounds and looks crowded. I'm coming to term that I am now a mother of two children- an infant and a toddler.
*u-know-what-I-mean look*
Four can be a crowd; but the more is definitely the merrier. I can't have the best of everything(read: an infant, a toddler, a spruced up house plus a good night sleep and uninterrupted routines) all the time.
Having said that, dearest husband and the two girls are the best things for me now.

Rushda doing a puppet act with her socks she dug out from her drawer filled with perfectly folded pile of clothes.

Below: Conspiracy Whisperies...

Rushda caught: Unfastening Durrah's diapers while I was away to get something. When probed, she explained that she was trying to help.

I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm cool.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Our Second Newborn- Durrah

Earlier this month, on 2nd October 2007; 1203hr; this little one was lifted out of the cozy warm womb of mine. We celebrated the birth of numero dos. We named her Durrah- Precious Pearl (arabic origin). Here she is...Durrah weighs 3.7kg and was 50cm in length. Yet again, it was another episode of tightly-shut cervix albeit the contractions. Dr Chandra advised us to call off our birthplan and proceed with cesarean surgery. That decision was made two days before October 1st, which was originally the EDD. I was dissapointed.

What a Deja vu. Plot sama macam Rushda in 2005.

Anyway, knowing that my cervix was not in a "favourable" condition to be induced, I was given two options; either I wait and wait till labour comes naturally OR get baby out (cesarean) before any complications arises. I chose the second option simply because after all the false contractions and extra weight, all I was thinking of is to get it over and done with.

First heard of epidural cesar from Kak Erni. Im convinced that the chances of coughing/sneezing are very low, so I opt for regional anasthesia this time. Because from the first experience, I was unconscious; on GA. The coughings aftermath were unforgettable horror ! To prepare myself emotionally and visually, i watched videoclips of epid-cesar on YouTube. The first few times made me squirmed and weak. I rolled on the floor to regain strength! Then, TV was also airing In The Womb at that time, and there was a mother who had quadruplets, thru epidural cesarean section. Mother gets to 'greet' each of them. Then, there was THE STITCHING... and there was the HUSBAND! Husband in the operation theatre?????? Yes. The night before the surgery was an emotional one. I sobbed uncontrollably as I listened to the azan and iftar with Dear. Nervous breakdown and the first stage of fear sunk in. Real one. The next day...

Somehow macam more relaxed and anticipated the procedures. Unforgettable moments:
  1. After being given the enema shot via anal, I wanted to poop so badly, seconds after the cleaner went in the private loo to do routine cleaning. Imagine the LONG 5 minutes wait. Fooh. Bagus jugak lah, as I poop, I inhale the freshly pine-scented toilet. So clean.
  2. Being wheeled to the elevator and seeing the attendant pressed the Level 2 button. (Thats where the Ops Theatre is).
  3. Seeing Dr Chandra and his wife, Dr Tiwari in their scrub suits and white pasar boots; waiting for my arrival.
  4. Dr Loo, the anesthetist explaining to me what he will do and how "we prepare you 'cantik-cantik' before your husband see you."
  5. "Cantik-cantik" includes inserting the IV tube to my hand; Sit up and crouching forward like a prawn. That was OK. Feeling the shocking sharp pain of the epid-jab. Not OK. Getting the 3 immediate side-effects: feels like vomitting, shivering and itch on the face. OK. Feeling the catheter inserted even before I am fully numb. Not OK. Ugh. I hated that.
  6. Seeing Dear walked into the OT wearing full scrub suit with head-cover, facial mask... how I wished we could take photo together. Macam Grey's Anatomy. We were so matched.
  7. Both Dr Loo and Dr Chandra asked if I can feel a pinch. I asked them, "which one of you are pinching me???" Dr Loo answered, "it doesn't matter. We will proceed now".
  8. The smell of something burning. The sound of liquid suctions.
  9. Asking Dear if he could see whats happening. He chose not to look.
  10. When Dr Tiwari said: "Ok. Get ready. The baby is coming out now" and when Dr Loo assisted by pushing out baby from the top of my tummy. "1..2..3..."
  11. The baby's cries, and Dear's gentle and assuring strokes on my forehead.
  12. Seeing Durrah for the first time.
  13. The shivers turned to sweat......HOT!
  14. When seeing a familiar nurse, I greet'em: "I remember you. Remember me?..."
  15. Dear, Rushda, Durrah and me had our private moment in the ward.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Im no longer pregnant!

Im not pregnant anymore! The baby has been safely delivered on Tuesday, 2nd Oct 2007, 1203hr @ Eastshore Hospital. We just got home today, with LOTS of freebies and gifts from my dearest colleagues at LV. More details in my next post. Meanwhile, I'll be busy dealing with major engorgements, night feeds, changing diapers, keeping the house clean, taking medicines, entertaining Rushda and Dear at the same time, and countless more chores not mentioned here. Providing family's basic needs, basically. *Breathing in* Keeping my sane hat on. Praying hard i will not drop dead.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not Yet...

LilypieExpecting a baby Ticker

  • Been through many contractions.
  • Been talking to friends who related their birth experiences; latest being Inah (7.45pm reached East Shore, 8.10pm, safely delivered Ammar Al-Hakeem. Masya-Allah!). Inah went through Cesarean birth for No.1, but normal delivery for No.2 (with epidural) and No.3 (no time for epidural!). SHE's the one I'm going to listen to.
  • Been fasting.
  • Been staying at home since Monday, 24/09/07.
  • Been busy trying to keep Rushda's temperature down. She's got the viral fever since Thursday, and it reached 39.8 on Saturday. We scooted off to KK and got the "Red Door" attention. As at today, she is better. No more bloodied nose.
  • Been moving about.... including heavy stuffs at home. This is what I call "self-induce". Still, no sign yet.

I go see what other things I can do now. Meanwhile, you take care. My next update would probably be about the birth of junior.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Year Older

Today WAS my birthday.

No big celebration this year. More of a quiet one. It should be that way, as everyone should be staying focus with their fasting. May Allah bless us all in this sacred Ramadhan.

The first birthday wishes came through SMS. The message tones were ringing even at 2am. A big thanks to my friends and cousin who remembered. Then got my special birthday kiss from Dear during Sahur. We didnt talk much, just eat. Rushda woke up, and told her its my birthday. Got her to sing for me- with that smelly breath!

Ayah sent us to school today, and he has forgotten about it. Mum called, asking me to come over for iftar, but she too, forgotten all about it. Just now, after iftar, as Ayah was about to leave for terawih, I declared, "Ayah, Mummy, today is my birthday". Mummy went, "Iyyerrr???? Astaghfirullahal azim, keNapa tak cakap?! Kesian lah".

Told her I want her to bake me Puteri Salat. I'm getting it tomorrow!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Ramadhan Reminders

"From: Nisha Omar Date: 09/12/07 19:59:37 To: Recipients
Subject: Happy Ramadhan.. Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan

To my dearest ones

Wish you and family Happy Ramadhan..

Ensure that you abide by the instructions as per attached image.

Lots of Luv..

Muni Omar

Naughty naughty Muni.Wonder how is it like puasa in London?
In Singapore currently. whether is cooling. Its pouring heavily now.
Random thoughts @ current: pedicure (yes, so my toes look good during my stay in hospital); doughnuts (Ann and brother Toey mentioned yest during iftar. Cet); my 2 friends who have just given birth (how you nak payback puasa later haaa? One month leh)

Thursday, September 13, 2007


1 Ramadhan 1428 Hear that? Azan Subuh. "Assolatu khairun minannaum"

Woke up around 4am. The urge to go to the loo was strong. As I balance to stand, I felt discomfort. After 15 minutes of self-observation, I strongly believes its REAL contractions. As to whether I AM in labour first-stage, I cant tell. I have informed Dear (who felt the tremor at his work place yesterday. When he called me minutes after Maghrib, background was filled with laughters and noises. Evacuation is fun, I guess). Told him about my dilemma of to-work-or-not-to-work. Im due in 2 weeks...

Not now, can???? Hang in there, baby. Let Mummy puasa at least a week, clean up the house, and pack my hospital bag.

Ini saya dan makanan iftar. Dalam kandungan waktu itu ialah Rushda.

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ending A Call

Rushda and my cousin talked on the phone last night.

After about 10 minutes of chat, Rushda said, "Okay Khuwailah. Bye".

Over and over again, she will get back to the conversation. Finally...

(on loudspeaker)

Khuwailah: Ok, good night. Rushda put down the phone.

Rushda: Ok, bye. Khuwailah put down the phone.

(putting the phone away from her ears, but still looking at it... listen again)

Rushda: Khuwailah put down the phone. THE END. Ok, put down.

How old is Rushda again????

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sweet September Ahead....

A few things to remember in this sweet September...

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

The Birth of Junior #2/ Other Births!
  1. I am 36 weeks now. Junior has been REALLY active; giving me sleepless nights including last night. I finally slept at 4am+, realised it was 6.30am, but was just too exhausted to get up and do my Subuh. By the next blink, it was already 7.3oam. Rushda wanted milk.
  2. Need to do up the bedroom for Rushda and Junior, soon. Waiting for Dear to drive us down to IKEA or something.
  3. Birthdays coming up!! Intan (4/9); Syaza (11/9); Chu (24/9). Will Junior pop out before 1/10? My bet is 30/9.
  4. I really want to get some shots of myself with my belly. Patrick has agreed to it. Im excited! It'll be his first 'belly' assignment.

Being Pretty/ Dolling Up

  1. Last night was my company's dinner. The theme this year is "Elegant Black & Red". I just cant fit into Mummy's black & red 2-pc Baju Panjang, so I wore the red chiffon dress Uncle Haron made 2 yrs back. Yesterday was more special for me as I had 'hired' Sharifah to do my make-up! It was kind of her to agree to my forever last-minute 50/50 request. She did GREAT! This year, I had fake eyelashes on. Hahaha. It went well with the colours she had on my eyes. She said they are called Smoky technique. Whatever that is, I know I was 'sssssmoking~~~'. Not only that, she lent me her self-made brooch. My beloved Ayah sent us all the way to Grand Hyatt. Met up with the others. Everyone was elegant yes. The most outstanding was Tess! I almost couldnt recognize her. Pheeewit.
  2. Today is Aza's wedding. Will be attending it later. Wish I could find that heart-shaped couple coffee cups from Starbucks, to present her. Unlikely. But will try. Should I wear what I wore yesterday, minus the make-up? What if I bump into yesterday's ppl?

Ramadhan/ Planning

  1. Ramadhan falls on 13/9. Im DONE with bayar puasa. Alhamdulillah. Will try to fast with others before I pop. I may only get the first half to fast. Its okay- belum try, belum tahu.
  2. This time round, everyone will be busy. With the ibadah of fasting going on during my confinement, I cant imagine having Mummy or MIL to cook for me. Malu seh. Recently, MIL suggested to Dear that I stay over at their place for confinement. With FIL around? Errrrr.....
  3. More work to submit before I pop. Dateline BIG TIME tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Friday, August 31, 2007

A Teacher...

1st September 2007

Students all over Singapore will be commemorating this day dedicated to teachers.... Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers who have taught me once before. Hope I am remembered as the good student. :)

I still remember my kindergarten teachers. They were ever so sweet, gentle and kind. Still remember my asatizahs during my 10 years stint in Alsagoff. Not forgetting the lecturers at all the institutions I've been in, as a student. Their teachings have touched my life, in many ways. No wonders I'm enjoying what I'm doing now. More meaningful when I receive thank you messages, flowers and gifts from parents and students. I feel blessed.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops.

Henry B. Adams

Saturday, July 14, 2007

29 weeks pregnant!

29 weeks; thats equivalent to 7 months and 1 week pregnant. Alhamdulillah. This shot was taken a week ago in KLCC. Rushda is loving towards her unborn sibling. Hope she stays so AFTER the arrival.

Today, I went for my ante-natal check up. Everything is fine. The baby is around 1.5kg and growing. This is the time I have to watch my diet. I can be diabetic again like the previous pregnancy. Already as it is, they discovered a similar fibroid-like growth in me again this time. So does that mean cesar procedure again? Or could it be VBAC?

Hhmmm, both are still painful. I have been thinking about the whole birth thing. It is still a scary thought. Reading up related articles helps. I do flipped back past issues of parenting magz. Short effect. The fear is still there.

Tawakkal Alallah.

I'm not sure how many others experience this- but do husbands usually are less-sensitive towards subsequent pregnancy? Today, I reminded Dear that he hasnt been talking to No.2 nor stroke my bump as frequent as the first time. To me, touch and communication are essential. It is PROVEN. Okay, Im just encouraging. If Dear doesnt want to make the efforts... well, we'll just see if No.2 responds to his voice.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

10 Reasons Why I Married This Man

I was TAGGED by Blossom. Actually, I read about it days before. Told myself to pen down 101 reasons, and later on choose the best 10. Told myself to grab a pen and scribble it somewhere in my notebook before sleeping. It never happened. Nevertheless, the thoughts were always there. So, here are the 10 Reasons WHY I Married This Man... UNPLUGGED.

#1 Destiny. Jodoh.

#2 Attraction to his following characters: shy, soft-spoken, down-to-earth, respectful towards others, honest, caring, easy-going, loving... :) NOT a show-off, loud, flirtatious, yaya-papaya nor empty barrel.

#3 Performs his religious obligations eg: If there is a need for us to meet, and it is time to pray, there's no issue of going to the mosque(s) and perform solat on time; bulan puasa tak jumpa pun tak apa, "terawih more important". I am very sure he was sincere about it, because, post-marriage, still consistent on religious obligations.

#4 His goals in life then, were the same as mine eg: strived for higher education; be married to someone who has the basic-intermediate knowledge about Islam and most importantly, practising it.

#5 We were put through the TEST. The endurance and patience test between 1998-2004. He endured and was patient throughout. He didn't give up. I did. Many times. (Im a woman, mah~~)

#6 Attracted to his physical traits: Tall, dark, sweet smile, medium-built, clean/neat look, to sum it up- Handsome. (Handsome konon).

#7 His cues and hints that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me eg: shared about his parents expectations; devastated at the thought of 'breaking-up'.

#8 The day he came to my place alone and talked to my parents, like a MAN. Very the GUTSY. My tears were flowing freely. Plus, my dad, he was like, the BEST DAD in the universe. Very UNDERSTANDING.

#9 Got the GREEN light from our parents.

#10 Allah is The Most Loving and Merciful. He created the LOVE. I felt it even before we met. I felt the LOVE impact/chemistry between us when we were corresponding on mIRC, ICQ and then later on, over the phone.

There you are, 10 reasons why I married my husband- UNPLUGGED. There's more to it lah.

Dear, I know you will be reading this post.... I want the world to know I love you. I LOVE YOU.

Eh? Are you blushing? Shy eh?

Thank you for the wonderful years together. More to come, baby!

To Blossom, thank you very much for this TAG opportunity. I'm lucky to get your husband's brother. And you are lucky too, to get my husband's brother. Hahahhaha...

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sawadeekaaaap @ Phuket, Thailand


[Better late than never. Oh geez, what else is new. Procrastinate.]

So this is it- cerita kita cuti-cuti Thailand.

The very first important fact- we travelled by car, not plane. Yes, car, ALL the way to Phuket. The second key fact here- our little Rushda, 2.3 years old, survived the journey. The third essential fact- her little sister/brother, 16weeks in-womb, survived too. Alhamdulillah. Highly recommended for adventurous family.

Departure- April 6, 2007. (1.30am) After the emotional goodbyes with the neneks and toks, we moved off via Tuas Link. Around 5.30am, we were at Rawang R&R for Subuh and short break. It was a smooth drive. Obviously, I was asleep all the way. It was Dear driving solo. 3pm- Reach Langkawi Yes. We stopover for 2 nights in Langkawi. Mutiara Burau Bay was our choice. A dissapointing discovery to the room at first. However, we got used to the chalet. Hmm, pictures tell a thousand lie. I believed we were the only "local" melayu there. The rest were bikini-clad mat salehs and families. We were this close to Pak Lah and the Malaysia's Agong, as they officiated the Water Festival @ Kuah, Langkawi. Pantai Cenang, Pantai Kok are names of beaches there, and there were happenings at the former. Parties and exhibitions everywhere. Highlights: 1. Cable Car ride @ Bukit Mat Cincang. We dare not walk at the bridge, suspended 1000m+. Reaching the peak was GOOD enough for me.

2. Visit to Makam Mahsuri. We watched an in-house play about how she was framed, and sentenced to death. Mahsuri prayed that if she is innocent, let her blood be white as she bleeds, to prove her innocence. All she did was- sparing a cup of water for the thirsty warrior who happened to pass by. What a drama. I cried. The play is staged 3pm daily. If you are there, dont miss it. 3. Sunset @ Kuah Jetty (the one that we were 'this' close to the VIPs).

Of course, there are many other things we did like, visiting the Underwater World, feasting on seafood at Pantai Cenang, drive around to look for Minyak Gamat. They are famous for that. Then... Monday, April 9th, 2007 2pm- We were at Sadao Malaysia-Thai Border! 7.15pm- We arrived at Sarasin Bridge, linking Phuket to mainland. LOOOONG DRIVE. We watched Happy Feet countless runs. We safely arrived at our 5-Star Blue Marine Resort & Spa, Patong Beach. We were so tired, we slept with the door ajar (until we got a call from reception. Security is good there).

Highlights of Phuket:

Drive up to one of the highest peak in Phuket, Kata Viewpoint.

Patong Beach, post-tsunami 2004.

Rushda had her hair braided. For a toddler to sit still for more than 10 minutes... amazing. Dear got his feet massage here too. I was busy shopping at Bangla Street.

Elephant Ride!!! Rushda tidur!!!

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Depart for Hatyai. We were there for the annual Songkran Festival. Dear seems to know this place so well. He usually rides up to Hatyai for this occasion.

Basically, you get wet, and floors get slippery as people throw water at you. Sometimes, powder too. On Friday, April 13th, 2007, people gathered on the streets with imitation Super-Soakers, pails, ice, what-have-yous; and you just need to be on guard. Unfortunately for me, I slipped and fell on wet ceramic tiles. Hit my head on the floor, causing excruciating pain, that made people rushed me to the hospital. Head is fine, foetus is fine, despite the killing pain the next morning.

That's the story of our holiday. Go. Its holiday season, all season in Thailand. Kaphun kaap, that's thank you in Thai, for reading my post.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Supernatural and Me- last episode

Today is already May 2nd- exactly a month after my last post.

My intention wasn't to share-n-scare really! But I had concern calls even from long-lost pals; and I met a friend, Mariati, who told me about her dream. More TATUT then what I encountered...

Mariati, I just have to record that here too.

We met last Saturday, the first thing she greeted me with was, "I had a dream about you and your daughter. Seram seh"...

"In your kitchen ada baby, tapi baby ni is a hantu. She can't leave your kitchen as you have these grills at the window (probably Mummy Hantu is waiting outside the grill). You call the baby BONYOT. She will crawl and hang around in your kitchen... We were scared to enter the kitchen. Rushda took one pacifier and showed it to you, and you just threw it to the baby hantu in the kitchen. It is invisible. Kalau langgar, we will feel pain- semut2".

More scary than experiencing the actual thing. I actually imagined the baby has the "Ju-On" look, not Casper.

Thanks Mary for sharing. On that note, I sincerely would like to thank those who have left comments (nasihat, tips, concerns, etc)on my posting. I take note of the amalans recommended by you. Nowadays, ayatul-kursi is read whenever I can. Since the langgar incident, I sent Rushda away for 4 nights. While Dear worked night shift, I decided to play Yaya-Papaya, and Alhamdulillah, peaceful nights.

At least go kitchen,kaki tak semut2. Terpijak an army of semut2 lagi ada.

My next post would be about our drive up to Langkawi, Phuket and then Hatyai. It was our Holiday Of The Year!

Monday, April 02, 2007

"Supernatural" in my very own home

I just have to come back to record these events which has happened to me recently.

I am modern yet conservative. I believe in the Oneness of Allah, and I also know about the existence of 'supernatural' in many kinds. In Islam, there are jinns and satans. They can appear in many forms regardless of gender, race or religion.

My encounter with some of them recently.

February 9th, Friday, around 2am:

Around 11pm, Rushda woke up, Rushda: "Ummie, sakit peyut. I nak 'yak'" (Got down from bed). "Okay you yak first, then we wash ok" I said half-asleep. Rushda woke me again, "Mi~ wash" (we washed and put on diaper...back to bed) "Ummie, I nak Hi-5".

I switched on her favourite Hi-5 cd, and she watched it with hubb sleeping next to her in the living room. I went back to the room. Obviously enough, Im half-dead. Tak kuasa. Just layankan. At around 2am, she came in with hubb, "Ummie, I nak susu". Arrrggghhh, annoyed, I went to the kitchen to make milk, went back to bed.

This was what I said to her: "Rushda must sleep ok. We are going to school early morning" and I turned away from her, and the moment I closed my eyes, I heard a female voice repeatedly saying this: "Rushda Rushda; Rushda Rushda".

It was so clear, I couldnt be dreaming, I know Im not dreaming because I JUST closed my eyes. I turned to look at hubb, whose back was facing me. I looked at Rushda. She paused from drinking and looked at me too. I wonder if she had heard it....I closed my eyes again... the voice came again, this time softer.

And so I was told, the softer it is, the nearer it is too. Ok. Takut Time. I recited whatever I can recite. That night, I dreamt, a hand from the window, holding on to the blinds in our living room, violently shook them. The person seemed angry and trying to get into the house. That person wanted Rushda. I told Dear, "nothing will happen. She cant get in because we solat and ngaji".

March 31st, Saturday, midnight:

We just came back from Pergam (fond name for my parents' place), got Rushda in bed, wiped and changed her. Dear watched tv, I was surfing - both in the living room. Unexpectedly, I heard Rushda crying tersedu-sedu WITH an unusual sound. I turned to the TV, and to my laptop, and was certain the sound is not from there. Told Dear to check on Rushda. He got up, stand at the door, turned to me , "Nothing lah, Rushda is sleeping. Why? What is it?"

I turned back to my laptop, and there, that sound came around again. That's it. I got up to take my wudhu'. I asked Dear to stand guard at the door. Lights on. I just got the feeling that I need to be with Rushda. I went back to the room, and as I wanted to reach to her, I felt..... I was competing with something to reach to her. I felt like I collided with something. As quickly as I can, I hugged Rushda. She started to cry and pointed to something behind me.

I hugged her tight. My little one was perspiring despite the fan and the aircon on. At this point, I had goose-bumps and I started to cry. Takut punya pasal.

Dear was standing, somehow knew something was wrong. He brought the laptop in. Switched off the tv and everything else, and came into the room. I think he was scared too. Both of us remained calm, and tried to divert away by surfing the Net, and while doing that, we had qori Syed AbdurRashid AzZarqawi's quran recitation played on the laptop, and eventually lullabied me to sleep.

I told Ayah about it. He gave me advices like, recite surah Yaasin 3 times after maghrib; recite doas before you step into the house and so on.

Why am I vulnerable to this now?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dadha & Erni Day Out

5th February 2007
It's a Monday- we applied for leave. We dont want to work. We have planned this many many days back. Originally, wanted to spend the day at JB with Blossom's study-mates. Apparently,it turned out, just us. So... No JB.
I took a cab down to Arab Street instead, and got myself 3 scarves and a blouse.
Then, we met- Dadha & Erni: 2 quirky, "last-minutes" professional working wives and mums, married to the boys of Abdul Ghaffar.
Here are the chronological events that took place, that eventful Monday, 5th February 2007.
FIRST, Kak Erni brought me to this little cozy mini eatery just at the corner of Arab Street, facing The Concourse. Forgot the name of the shop.
She had Mee Soup, I had... KARI AYAM (chicken curry) SERVED WITH ROTI (bread).
Punya lah BEST, terhantuk-benjol. I was excited, and when I do, I tend to let out this train-steams sound effects involuntarily, which reminded Kak Erni of her Japanese colleagues. She imitated these exaggerating sounds Japanese would make when they see something new or delightful. (i.e: Watch Japan Hour). Should've catch it in camera. Its unforgettable.
SECOND, For Zohor, we went to Masjid Sultan. Alhamdulillah, on that day, I had the opportunity to join the jemaah to perform SOLAT JENAZAH. May she be blessed with peace and rahmat.
My next task- understanding and finding out cara-cara mendirikan solat Jenazah.

THIRD, on the way back to the car, we were snapping us away... alot of funny ones, ; some of them:
FOURTH, Kak Erni bought a basket for Blossmobile.
FIFTH, I suggested Plaza Singapura with only a plan in mind- to visit Made WIth Love, and entice her with the beautiful stuffs there. Coincidentally, there was a class, to start at 2.30pm. Managed to convince her, at the very very last minute, to join that scrapbooking class. Erni agreed!
(Perhaps, cant be bothered with my whining)...
Anyway, we made this special album, supposedly for our coming wedding anniversary. Mine happens to be tomorrow, 6th Feb 07. I was happy that Kak Erni agreed to participate. Sista, I really hope you sincerely enjoy the class, not forced to (but then again, Kak Erni macam no choice, I was begging, "U want? U dont want takpe, tapi kenapa? Want ah")
SIXTH, we had dinner at Secret Recipe.
SEVENTH, I went home happy.
Today's de-stressing day... Halal! Wondering when will the next one be. =)